
Panel of Arbitrators

The aim is to compile a panel of respected and unbiased arbitrators of a professional standard, integrity and neutrality.

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Panel of Arbitrators

The panel consists of two categories, the first being of suitably, sufficiently qualified and experienced to be nominated and appointed in referrals. Initially these would include retired, South African attorneys that specialised in civil litigation, advocates, magistrates and Small Claims Court commissioners. The second category will consist of suitably qualified and experienced jurists, only requiring some practical experience in the CCT model of arbitration. Members of the last-mentioned group will be provided with the opportunity to gain that necessary experience under a member of the first category after which they will be admitted to the first group.

At this stage we rely on the adjudication experience of our first arbitrators. No Additional qualification in arbitration is required. The second group will be trained by the first and hopefully and in good time we will introduce an arbitration course for our new arbitrators.     

It must immediately be pointed out that aspirant arbitrators may find the prescribed fees of CCT extremely low. This is necessitated by the fundamental aim of this tribunal to render our service affordable and accessible to the general public. Keep however in mind that the whole process is generally conducted in writing and that the arbitrator’s duties can easily be fitted into a normal day schedule or after-hours. With the necessary promotion of the CCT vision this would naturally ensure a very high demand which in turn will a high turnover. This implies that, on a time basis, arbitrators will have a fair opportunity of earning a substantial income. Legal practitioners will also have a chance to develop an arbitration practice.         

With the help of the members of the panel, provision will also be made for peer review. This will be possible by passing finalised cases through the panel to ensure internal oversight for the safeguarding of ethics, integrity and the development of our standard of adjudication. Against the background of the confidentiality within which we render our services to people of whom many are poor and without legal representation, it is absolutely essential that we provide this safeguard. We know that all arbitrations are subject to the oversight of the High Court. However, in many instances financial constraints may prevent this of ever realising in many instances.     

The same would apply to the formation of an ethics committee to be formed out of members of the panel. Through the peer review system and complains from the public, this committee will have the opportunity to oversee and ensure the neutrality and integrity of arbitrators and compliance with the rules.

Join us!

Invitation to join the panel of arbitrators

We are living in very unequal society. This has a severe effect on the equality before law our people are entitled to. As civil law litigation specialist we may not have the ability to play a role in regard to the criminal or other field of the law. With our expertise we can however make a contribution to civil dispute resolution. So, please consider becoming involved in this project.

All the initial preparation has been done and we now need the input of qualified and experienced jurists to critique and send proposals for amendment in regard to the required Arbitration Agreement and the Rules and to help amend it where necessary. Hopefully this phase will be completed very soon after which we will be able to launch this service and start working.

We therefore kindly invite all South African retired jurists as is referred to above, to join our Panel of Arbitrators. Become immediately involved and secure a priority position to receive as many appointments as you would be able to handle. Not only will it ensure a healthy income and keep your interest in the law alive, it will also add to your legacy and ensure that your enormous body of qualifications and experience be kept available.

Please send your application by email and provide us with a short resume on your legal career.  We will truly be honoured and immediately respond.

The identity and personal particulars of all applicants and members of the Panel shall be confidential within the structure of CCT.